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choice: Prompt the current user to select a [c]hoice from a specific set.
$ choice /c ${AB}
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The command "choice /c ${AB}" is a Windows command used to prompt the user to choose between two options, represented by the letters "A" and "B".

Here's what the different elements of the command mean:

  • "choice" is a Windows command that prompts the user to make a choice among different options.
  • "/c" is a switch that specifies the list of available choices.
  • "${AB}" represents the available choices for the user. In this case, the user can choose between the options "A" and "B".

When this command is executed, it will display a prompt like "Select A or B:" and wait for the user to input their choice. The input must be either "A" or "B". Once the user selects an option, the command will move forward in the script according to the option chosen.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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