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choose: Print all items from the beginning of the line until the 3rd item (exclusive).
$ choose --exclusive :${2}
try on your machine

The command "choose --exclusive :${2}" seems to be a command using the "choose" command with an "exclusive" flag and a positional parameter.


The "choose" command is usually used to display a menu or list of options and allows the user to select an item. It could be a part of a larger script or program.

The "--exclusive" flag is used to indicate that only one option can be selected at a time. This means that if multiple items are presented, only one can be chosen.

":${2}" is a positional parameter that represents the second argument passed to the script or program. The "$" signifies that it's a variable, and "2" specifies the position of the argument.

So, in summary, the command "choose --exclusive :${2}" is instructing the program to display a menu, allowing the user to choose one option at a time, and the options to be displayed or determined by the second argument passed to the script or program.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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