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choose: Print everything from the 2nd to 5th item on the line, excluding the 5th.
$ choose --exclusive ${1}:${4}
try on your machine

The command "choose --exclusive ${1}:${4}" passes two arguments from the command line to the "choose" command.

The argument ${1} represents the value of the first argument passed when executing the script or command. It is enclosed in curly braces to indicate that it is a variable.

The argument ${4} represents the value of the fourth argument passed when executing the script or command.

The two arguments are concatenated using a colon ":" as a delimiter.

The "--exclusive" flag is an option or parameter for the "choose" command. It specifies that the choices made in this command will be exclusive, meaning only one option can be selected.

Overall, this command is likely used to choose or select exclusive options based on input arguments provided during execution.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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