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chronyc: Step the system clock immediately, bypassing any slewing.
$ chronyc makestep
try on your machine

The command "chronyc makestep" is used to make an immediate and significant adjustment to the system time on a computer that is using the Chrony time synchronization program.

Chrony is a software used to synchronize the system clock of a computer with accurate time sources over a network, such as NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers. It continuously adjusts the system clock to maintain accurate time.

When "chronyc makestep" is executed, it instructs Chrony to immediately and forcefully adjust the system time by a significant amount, typically up to 1 second. This adjustment is used to bring the system time in sync with the reference time source maintained by Chrony.

This command can be useful in situations where the system clock has drifted significantly or is out of sync with the desired time accuracy. By making a step adjustment, Chrony can quickly correct the time discrepancy, ensuring accurate timekeeping on the system.

It is worth noting that making a step adjustment can disrupt certain applications or services that rely on the system time. Therefore, it is typically recommended to execute this command during periods of low system activity or when it is least likely to cause any adverse effects.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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