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chronyc: Start chronyc in interactive mode.
$ chronyc
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The command "chronyc" is a command-line utility used in Linux systems to interact with the Chrony daemon. Chrony is a program that is used for network time synchronization. It allows a computer to maintain accurate time by synchronizing with various time servers over the network.

The "chronyc" command provides several options to control and manage the behavior of Chrony. Some common options include:

  • chronyc tracking: Displays detailed information about the current time synchronization status, including the offset, delay, and estimated error.
  • chronyc sources: Shows the available time sources that Chrony is using for synchronization, such as NTP servers or local reference clocks.
  • chronyc sourcestats: Provides statistical information about the sources being used, including their jitter, reachability, and last update time.
  • chronyc makestep: Immediately adjusts the system clock to bring it in sync with the selected time source. This can be useful when initially setting up time synchronization or when significant clock discrepancies are detected.
  • chronyc logout: Disconnects the chronyc command from the Chrony daemon.

Overall, "chronyc" is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing time synchronization in Linux systems, ensuring accurate timekeeping across the network.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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