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clang-tidy: List all available checks.
$ clang-tidy -checks=${*} -list-checks
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The clang-tidy -checks=${*} -list-checks command is used to list all the available checks for clang-tidy.

Let's break down the command:

  • clang-tidy is a static analyzer tool for C++ code that is part of the LLVM project. It helps to find and fix various issues in code.

  • -checks=${*} is an option that sets the checks to be enabled. ${*} is a placeholder that represents all available checks. By using this option, we are enabling all the checks for clang-tidy to be listed.

  • -list-checks is an option that tells clang-tidy to list all the available checks instead of analyzing source code. This is useful for getting an overview of the available checks and their names.

When you execute the clang-tidy -checks=${*} -list-checks command, it will display a list of all the available checks that can be used with clang-tidy. This list helps programmers to choose which checks are relevant to their code and which ones they want to enable for their project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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