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clangd: List of available options.
$ clangd --help-list
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The clangd --help-list command is used to get a list of available help topics in Clangd.

Clangd is a language server that provides language support for the C and C++ programming languages. It is designed to integrate with various text editors and IDEs to provide features like code completion, diagnostics, and navigation.

When you run the clangd --help-list command, it displays a list of available help topics that you can use with the clangd --help command. This helps you to understand the different options, settings, and features supported by Clangd.

For example, if you run clangd --help-list and it returns a list of topics such as "C++ completion", "Clangd Configuration", and "Semantic Highlighting", you can then run clangd --help followed by the specific topic to get detailed information about that particular feature or setting.

Overall, the clangd --help-list command helps you to discover and explore the available help topics and gain a better understanding of the capabilities of Clangd.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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