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clip-view: Render specific local pages.
$ clip-view ${path-to-page1-clip path-to-page2-clip ---}
try on your machine

The command clip-view ${path-to-page1-clip path-to-page2-clip ---} is used to view the contents of multiple clips or pages in a specific application or software.

Here's what each component of the command means:

  • clip-view: This is the command or function that is being executed. It is likely a command provided by the application or software you are using.

  • ${path-to-page1-clip path-to-page2-clip ---}: This is a placeholder or variable that represents the paths to the clips or pages you want to view.

    • path-to-page1-clip and path-to-page2-clip: These are the specific paths to the clips or pages you want to view. The actual paths will depend on the file or folder structure of the application or software you are using, and you need to replace them with the correct paths.

    • --- (three hyphens): This is an option to specify the end of the list of paths. It is a stylistic choice often used to indicate that there can be more paths after the --- if needed.

Overall, this command instructs the application or software to display the contents of the specified clips or pages, allowing you to view them in a convenient manner.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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