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clip-view: Render pages with a specific color theme.
$ clip-view --theme ${select} ${page_name1 page_name2 ---}
try on your machine

The command you provided, "clip-view --theme ${select} ${page_name1 page_name2 ---}", seems to be a combination of the "clip-view" command with certain parameters.

Here's a breakdown of the different components in the command:

  1. "clip-view": This is the main command that is being executed.

  2. "--theme": This is an option or flag that is used to specify a theme for the "clip-view" command. The ${select} part is not clear from the information provided, but it might refer to a variable that holds the value of the selected theme.

  3. "${page_name1 page_name2 ---}": This part of the command seems to expect one or more arguments, represented by "page_name1", "page_name2", and so on. These arguments denote the names of different pages that you want to view using the "clip-view" command.

Overall, it appears that the command is used to view specific pages within a certain theme using the "clip-view" command. However, the exact functionality and interpretation of the command might depend on the specific context or system it is being used in.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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