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cmake: Install the build artifacts into `/usr/local/` and strip debugging symbols.
$ cmake --install ${path-to-build_directory} --strip
try on your machine

This command uses the "cmake" tool to install a build directory and strip unnecessary information.

Here is the explanation of each part of the command:

  • "cmake": This is the command-line executable for CMake, a popular open-source build system used for building, testing, and packaging software projects.

  • "--install": This is a flag that tells CMake to perform an installation of the specified build directory.

  • "${path-to-build_directory}": This should be replaced with the actual path to the desired build directory. It specifies the location of the build directory that you want to install.

  • "--strip": This is an optional flag that instructs CMake to strip unnecessary symbols and debug information from the installed binaries. Stripping reduces the file size of the installed binaries, making them more compact and potentially improving performance, but also removing certain debugging capabilities.

By running this command with the appropriate values for "${path-to-build_directory}", CMake will install the specified build directory, possibly stripping unnecessary information from the installed binaries.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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