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cmstp: Uninstall silently without a confirmation prompt.
$ cmstp /u /s "${path\to\profile_file}"
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The command "cmstp /u /s "${path\to\profile_file}"" is used in Windows to execute a Connection Manager Profile (CMP) installation script. Here is a breakdown of its components:

  • "cmstp" is the command-line utility used to process Connection Manager Profile (CMP) installation scripts. It is a built-in Windows tool.
  • "/u" switch is used to uninstall a Connection Manager Profile (CMP). This switch tells cmstp to remove the specified profile.
  • "/s" switch is used to suppress any dialog boxes or prompts during the uninstallation process. It ensures that the removal is performed silently without any user interaction.
  • "${path\to\profile_file}" is the path and filename of the Connection Manager Profile (CMP) script file that needs to be uninstalled. The path should be specified in the format of the variable "path\to\profile_file".

When you run this command, cmstp executable will execute the specified CMP script file silently, removing the profile according to the instructions within the script file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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