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cockpit-desktop: Open storage page.
$ cockpit-desktop ${-cockpit-@localhost-storage-index-html}
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The command cockpit-desktop ${-cockpit-@localhost-storage-index-html} appears to be an invocation of the cockpit-desktop command with an argument.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • cockpit-desktop: This is the name of the command being executed. It is likely related to the Cockpit project, which is a web-based interface for managing Linux servers.
  • ${-cockpit-@localhost-storage-index-html}: This is an argument provided to the cockpit-desktop command. The specific function or purpose of this argument depends on how the cockpit-desktop command is programmed to handle it. Without further context, it is challenging to determine the exact meaning of this argument.

Note: It seems there may be a syntax error in the provided command. It contains a character ($) between ${ and -cockpit-, which is typically not seen in such command syntax. It's possible that there was a mistake while copying the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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