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code: Compare two specific files.
$ code --diff ${filename1} ${filename2}
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The command "code --diff ${filename1} ${filename2}" is used to compare and view the differences between two files in the Visual Studio Code editor.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "code" refers to the command-line interface (CLI) for the Visual Studio Code editor.
  • "--diff" is a flag that instructs the "code" command to open the files in a diff view, which highlights the differences between the two files.
  • "${filename1}" and "${filename2}" are placeholders representing the paths or filenames of the two files you want to compare. You need to replace them with the actual filenames or paths you want to compare.

When you run this command, Visual Studio Code will open a new window with a side-by-side comparison of the two files. The differences between the files will be highlighted to help you easily identify changes made.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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