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code: Print installed extensions.
$ code --list-extensions
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The command "code --list-extensions" is used to list all the installed extensions in Visual Studio Code.

"code" is the command line interface for managing and running Visual Studio Code. You can use it to open, search, and install extensions, as well as perform various tasks related to coding and development.

"--list-extensions" is an argument that you pass to the "code" command. It instructs Visual Studio Code to list all the extensions that are currently installed in your development environment.

By running this command in your terminal or command prompt, you will get a list of the installed extensions along with their unique identifiers (or extension IDs). These extension IDs are used to install or uninstall specific extensions using the "code --install-extension" or "code --uninstall-extension" commands.

This command is helpful if you want to keep track of the extensions you have installed or need to share the list with others.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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