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codespell: Check for typos in all text files in the current directory, recursively.
$ codespell
try on your machine

The command "codespell" is a tool that is used to detect and correct spelling mistakes or typographical errors in source code files. It is specifically designed for programming languages and can be helpful in identifying and fixing misspelled variable names, function names, comments, and other elements in the code.

When you execute the "codespell" command, it scans the specified source code files and compares the words it finds against a built-in or user-defined dictionary. If it encounters words that are not recognized or are likely misspelled, it suggests corrections based on the closest matches found in the dictionary.

This command is particularly useful for improving code readability, maintaining consistency in variable and function names, and avoiding potential bugs caused by typos. By running "codespell" regularly as part of a development process, programmers can catch and fix spelling errors before the code is compiled or deployed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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