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collectd: Specify a custom PID file location.
$ collectd -P ${filename}
try on your machine

The command "collectd -P ${filename}" will run the "collectd" program with the specified filename.

Here is a breakdown of the different components of the command:

  • "collectd": Refers to the executable program named "collectd". Collectd is a daemon that collects various system and performance statistics from the computer it runs on.

  • "-P": This is an option/flag for the collectd program. In this case, the "-P" flag is used to specify the name of a file where the program should write its process ID (PID).

  • "${filename}": This is a placeholder for a specific filename. You need to replace "${filename}" with the actual name of the file you want collectd to use. The specified file will be created or overwritten by collectd, and it will contain the process ID of the running collectd daemon.

By using this command, you can start the collectd program and indicate a specific filename where it will write its process ID for further usage or management purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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