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collectd: Test the configuration file and then exit.
$ collectd -t
try on your machine

The command "collectd -t" is used to test the configuration file of the Collectd daemon. Collectd is a popular system statistics collection daemon that gathers data about various aspects of a system, including CPU usage, memory usage, network traffic, and more.

When you run "collectd -t," it performs a syntax check on the configuration file that is specified in the collectd configuration. It validates the file for any errors or issues that may prevent collectd from running properly.

By executing this command, Collectd checks the configuration file for correct syntax and returns any errors or warnings it encounters. This helps in identifying and fixing any mistakes in the configuration file before running the collectd daemon in the regular mode.

Note that running "collectd -t" does not start the daemon or enable data collection. It only verifies the configuration file's syntax.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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