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colordiff: Report when two files are the same.
$ colordiff -s ${file1} ${file2}
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The command "colordiff -s ${file1} ${file2}" is using the colordiff tool to compare two files (${file1} and ${file2}) and display their differences using color highlighting.

Here is a breakdown of the different parts of the command:

  • "colordiff": This is the command itself, which invokes the colordiff tool. This tool is an enhanced version of the traditional 'diff' command that provides colorized output for better readability.

  • "-s": This is an optional flag in colordiff that stands for "side-by-side" mode. When used, it displays the differences between the two files in a side-by-side format, showing the content of both files next to each other.

  • "${file1}" and "${file2}": These are placeholder variables that should be replaced with the actual file names you want to compare. The dollar sign ($) and curly brackets ({}) indicate that these are variables that will be substituted with real values.

In summary, the command "colordiff -s ${file1} ${file2}" runs colordiff on two specified files and highlights the differences between them using colorized output in a side-by-side format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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