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comby: Match and rewrite in-place.
$ comby -in-place '${match_pattern}' '${rewrite_pattern}'
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The comby command is a tool used for pattern matching and rewriting code. It enables you to search for specific patterns in a codebase and replace them with new patterns.

In the provided command, comby -in-place '${match_pattern}' '${rewrite_pattern}', the command is executed with the following parameters:

  • -in-place specifies that the modifications should be made directly in the source files, replacing the matched patterns.
  • ${match_pattern} represents the pattern you want to search for in the codebase. This pattern can be written using the comby pattern language.
  • ${rewrite_pattern} represents the pattern that will replace the matched patterns, also written using the comby pattern language.

The command essentially searches for occurrences of ${match_pattern} in the codebase and replaces them with ${rewrite_pattern}.

It's important to note that the specific usage and syntax of comby can vary depending on the context and configuration of the tool in your environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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