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complete: Apply autocompletion without appending a space to the completed word.
$ complete -o nospace -F ${function} ${command}
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The command "complete -o nospace -F ${function} ${command}" is used in the Unix/Linux shell environment to set auto-completion rules for a specific command.

Let's break down the elements of this command:

  • "complete" is the command used to define auto-completion rules.
  • "-o nospace" is an option that tells the shell to not insert a space automatically after completing a command or argument.
  • "-F ${function}" is an option followed by a function name, indicating the function to be called for performing the actual auto-completion logic. The function should be defined prior to running this command.
  • "${command}" is a placeholder for the command or command pattern that we want to set auto-completion for. It can also include wildcards (*) for partial matching or grouping.

When this command is executed, it will set up the auto-completion rules for the specified command using the provided function. The function will be responsible for generating the possible completion options based on what is being typed or passed as arguments. By using "-o nospace", it ensures that no space is added automatically after completing a command or its arguments during auto-completion.

This command is commonly used in shell configuration files (e.g., .bashrc) to customize auto-completion behavior for specific commands based on user preferences or requirements.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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