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composer-require-checker: Analyze a Composer JSON file with a specific configuration.
$ composer-require-checker check --config-file ${path-to-config-json} ${path-to-composer-json}
try on your machine

This command is using the Composer-Require-Checker tool to perform a check on Composer packages and their dependencies. Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • composer-require-checker check: This part of the command instructs the Composer-Require-Checker tool to perform the "check" operation, which examines the dependencies of Composer packages.

  • --config-file ${path-to-config-json}: This flag is used to specify the path to the configuration file (in JSON format) used by Composer-Require-Checker. The configuration file contains rules and settings for the checking process.

  • ${path-to-config-json}: This placeholder should be replaced with the actual path to the JSON configuration file.

  • ${path-to-composer-json}: This placeholder should be replaced with the actual path to the composer.json file. It specifies the location of the Composer configuration file, which lists the packages and their dependencies for a project.

When you run this command, Composer-Require-Checker will check the defined Composer packages and their dependencies based on the provided configuration file. It will analyze the compatibility, versions, and constraints among the packages and report any issues or inconsistencies that it finds.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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