The command "composer update ${package}" is used to update a specific package in a PHP project that utilizes the Composer dependency management tool.
Composer is a popular tool in the PHP ecosystem that helps manage external libraries and dependencies required for a project. It allows developers to specify the required packages and their versions in a file called "composer.json". Composer then handles the installation and updating of these packages.
To use the "composer update" command, you need to have Composer installed on your system and navigate to the root directory of the PHP project that has a "composer.json" file.
The "${package}" placeholder in the command should be replaced with the name of the package you want to update. It could be the name of the package itself or the name of the package's main repository (e.g., "vendor/package-name" or "github-username/repo-name").
When you execute the command, Composer will look for the specified package in the "composer.json" file and check if there is a newer version available that satisfies the defined requirements or constraints. If a new version is found, Composer will update the package to the latest version, modifying the "composer.lock" file to record the updated dependencies.
It's important to note that running "composer update" without specifying a package name will update all the packages in the project according to their defined constraints. However, using the "${package}" placeholder allows you to target a specific package for update.