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conntrack: Delete all flows for a specific source IP address.
$ conntrack --delete --orig-src ${ip_address}
try on your machine

The conntrack command is used to interact with the connection tracking system in the Linux kernel. It allows you to query and manipulate the stateful packet inspection information stored by the kernel.

The specific command you provided is conntrack --delete --orig-src ${ip_address}. Let's break down its components:

  • conntrack: This is the actual command that you run to interact with the connection tracking system.

  • --delete: This option instructs the conntrack command to delete matching connection tracking entries from the system. It operates on the connections that match the specified criteria.

  • --orig-src: This option specifies the matching criteria for the original source IP address of the connections you want to delete. The entries that have the specified IP address as the source will be removed.

  • ${ip_address}: This is a placeholder representing the actual IP address you would provide when executing the command. You should replace it with the desired IP address.

So, when you run the conntrack --delete --orig-src ${ip_address} command, it will search for connection tracking entries that have the specified IP address as the original source. It will then delete these entries from the connection tracking system, effectively removing the tracked connections associated with that IP address.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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