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convert: Scale an image 50% its original size.
$ convert ${image-png} -resize 50% ${image2-png}
try on your machine

The command convert ${image-png} -resize 50% ${image2-png} is likely using the ImageMagick convert tool to resize an image file in the PNG format.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its arguments:

  • convert: This is the command-line tool provided by ImageMagick for image manipulation.
  • ${image-png}: This is a placeholder for the input image file in the PNG format. It is likely a variable that should be replaced with the actual file name and path of the image you want to resize.
  • -resize 50%: This option specifies that the image should be resized by 50%. It means the dimensions of the resulting image will be half the width and height of the original image. You can use other values or units of measurement (e.g., pixels) instead of percentages depending on your requirements.
  • ${image2-png}: This is another placeholder for the output image file in the PNG format. Similar to ${image-png}, it should be replaced with the desired file name and path for the resized image to be saved.

After you replace the placeholders and execute the command, it will read the input image file (specified by ${image-png}), resize it by 50% based on the provided options, and save the resulting resized image to the output file (specified by ${image2-png}).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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