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convert: Create a favicon from several images of different sizes.
$ convert ${image1-png} ${image2-png} ${image3-png} ${image-ico}
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The given command is using the 'convert' command to perform some kind of image conversion or manipulation. Here's an explanation of each part of the command:

  • 'convert': This is the actual command used for image manipulation in various software packages, such as ImageMagick.

  • '${image1-png}': This is the first input image file name or path. The use of '${}' implies that 'image1-png' is a placeholder for the actual file name or path. It suggests that you should replace '${image1-png}' with the actual image file name or path (e.g., 'image1.png') when running the command.

  • '${image2-png}': This represents the second input image file name or path. Similar to the previous explanation, you should replace '${image2-png}' with the actual file name or path (e.g., 'image2.png').

  • '${image3-png}': This corresponds to the third input image file name or path. Again, you need to replace '${image3-png}' with the actual file name or path (e.g., 'image3.png').

  • '${image-ico}': This refers to the output file name or path for the converted image. Like before, you should substitute '${image-ico}' with the desired file name or path for the resulting image in .ico format (e.g., 'image.ico').

To summarize, the command 'convert ${image1-png} ${image2-png} ${image3-png} ${image-ico}' is likely used to convert multiple input image files (image1.png, image2.png, image3.png) into a single output image file (image.ico) in .ico format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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