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coproc: Create a coprocess which repeatedly reads `stdin`, runs a pipeline on the input, and writes the output to `stdout`.
$ coproc ${name} {select} | cat /dev/fd/0; done }
try on your machine

The command you provided is not complete. It seems like it is part of a shell script and contains some variables and syntax that is missing.

However, I can explain the general concept of "coproc" in bash.

"coproc" is used to create a co-process in bash. A co-process is like a background process that runs asynchronously with the main script. It allows communication between the main script and the co-process through pipes.

In the given command, ${name} is likely a variable that represents the name of the co-process being created.

The next part, {select}, is unclear without more context. It might be a typo or placeholder for some specific code that was meant to be there.

The pipe character "|" is used to connect the output of the co-process to the input of the "cat" command.

"/dev/fd/0" is a special file in Unix-like systems that represents the stdin (standard input). So, the "cat" command receives the input from the co-process.

The "done" keyword is typically used to signify the end of a loop or block of code. However, in this case, it seems to be mistakenly placed as it does not have any matching loop or block.

To better understand the purpose and functionality of the entire command, the missing parts and more context would be required.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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