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coproc: Read from a specific coprocess `stdout`.
$ read ${variable} <&"$${{name}[0]}"
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In order to explain this command, let's break it down into smaller parts:

  1. read: This is a command used to read a line from standard input and assign it to one or more variables.

  2. ${variable}: This is a variable reference, where variable is the name of the variable. The value of the variable will be used as an argument to the read command.

  3. <&"$${{name}[0]}": This is input redirection syntax. It is used to redirect the input to the read command from a specific source.

    • $${{name}[0]}: This is a nested variable reference. The ${{name}[0]} is the value of a variable called name, indexed at 0. The double $$ is used to escape the first $ character and prevent it from being interpreted as a shell variable. So, the nested variable reference is dereferencing the value of name at index 0.

    • <&: This is the input redirection operator, which tells the shell to take the input from the specified source. In this case, it instructs the shell to take input from the file descriptor referenced by $${{name}[0]}.

To summarize, this command is using the read command to read a line from standard input and assign it to the variable ${variable}, with the input source being determined by the value of the variable $${{name}[0]}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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