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copyq: Print the content of the first 3 items in the clipboard history.
$ copyq read 0 1 2
try on your machine

The command "copyq read 0 1 2" is using the "copyq" command-line utility to read items from the clipboard and display them.

Here is an explanation of each component of the command:

  • "copyq": This is the name of the command-line utility being run. It is responsible for managing the clipboard, storing copied items, and allowing access to them through the command line.

  • "read": This is an action or command provided by the "copyq" utility. It instructs the utility to read items from the clipboard for display.

  • "0 1 2": These are the parameters or options provided to the "read" command. In this case, "0 1 2" indicates that the utility should read the first three items from the clipboard. The numbers here refer to positions/indexes of the items in the clipboard, where '0' represents the first item, '1' represents the second item, and so on.

So, when this command is executed, the "copyq" utility will read the first three items from the clipboard and display them on the command line output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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