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cordova: Remove a Cordova plugin.
$ cordova plugin remove ${pluginid}
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The command "cordova plugin remove ${pluginid}" is used to remove a specific plugin from a Cordova project.

In this command, "${pluginid}" is a placeholder for the ID or name of the plugin you want to remove. The plugin ID uniquely identifies the plugin and is typically in reverse-domain format, such as "org.apache.cordova.pluginname". It can also be the name of the plugin if it is registered by that name.

When the command is executed, Cordova will search for the specified plugin in the project and remove it along with any associated files and modifications made by the plugin. This command effectively disables the functionality provided by the plugin and reverts the project to its previous state.

It is important to note that removing a plugin may have consequences on the functioning of your project, depending on the dependencies and features provided by the plugin. Therefore, it is recommended to have a backup of your project before removing a plugin, and to carefully consider the impact of removing it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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