The command "core-validate-commit --help" is a command-line instruction used to display the help manual or documentation for the "core-validate-commit" tool or program. When executed, this command will provide a detailed description of the syntax, options, and functionalities supported by the "core-validate-commit" command. The help manual may include information such as: - Usage: Provides examples of how to use the "core-validate-commit" command. - Options: Lists the available command-line options or switches that can be used with the "core-validate-commit" command, along with their explanations. - Description: Offers a general overview of what the "core-validate-commit" tool does and its purpose. - Examples: Demonstrates practical examples or use cases of the "core-validate-commit" command. - Related commands: Mentions other related commands or tools that can be used alongside or in conjunction with "core-validate-commit." By referring to the help documentation, users can better understand how to utilize the "core-validate-commit" command, its available features, and the appropriate way to structure the command based on their requirements.