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core-validate-commit: List all valid Node.js subsystems.
$ core-validate-commit --list-subsystem
try on your machine

The command "core-validate-commit --list-subsystem" is a command-line instruction used in a specific software or programming environment. The purpose of this command is to display a list of subsystems or components in a repository that can be used for committing changes.

In software development, a repository is a centralized location where developers store and manage their source code. When working with a repository, developers often make changes to the code, adding new features, fixing bugs, or making improvements. These changes need to be organized and grouped into specific areas or subsystems of the software.

The "core-validate-commit --list-subsystem" command is used to extract the names or identifiers of these subsystems from the repository. It performs a validation process and provides an output with a list of available subsystem names.

This list of subsystems can then be used when committing changes to the repository. Developers can specify which subsystem their changes belong to, making it easier for other team members or stakeholders to understand and review the modifications made to the codebase.

Overall, the "core-validate-commit --list-subsystem" command helps provide an organized and structured manner for managing and categorizing code changes within a repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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