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core-validate-commit: Validate a range of commits.
$ git rev-list ${commit_hash}..HEAD | xargs core-validate-commit
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This command is a combination of two commands in Git, using some shell syntax. Let's break it down:

  1. git rev-list ${commit_hash}..HEAD:

    • git rev-list is a command that lists commit objects in reverse chronological order. It can take various options to specify a range of commits.
    • ${commit_hash} is a placeholder for a specific commit hash. It should be replaced with an actual commit hash you want to start from.
    • ..HEAD specifies the range from the specified commit until the latest commit in the current branch (HEAD). Therefore, this part of the command lists all the commits starting from ${commit_hash} up to the latest commit in the current branch.
  2. | xargs core-validate-commit:

    • | is a pipe operator that allows the output of the previous command to be used as input for the next command.
    • xargs is a command that takes input from standard input (in this case, the list of commit hashes) and executes another command with it.
    • core-validate-commit is a command that is being executed by xargs. It could be a custom script or a command provided by the Git repository you are working with.

So, in summary, this command lists all the commits starting from ${commit_hash} until the latest commit in the current branch, and then runs a command core-validate-commit on each commit using the xargs command. The purpose of the core-validate-commit command is specific to the Git repository you are working with.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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