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cotton: Stop running when a test fails.
$ cotton -u ${base_url} -s ${filename}.md
try on your machine

The cotton -u ${base_url} -s ${filename}.md command is most likely a command-line instruction.

Based on the given syntax, here is a breakdown of the command:

  • cotton: It represents the name or alias of a command or executable program.
  • -u ${base_url}: This is a flag or an option preceded by a hyphen -. It indicates that the value of ${base_url} should be provided as an argument to the -u option. ${base_url} is a variable, and its actual value needs to be substituted in the command. It could be a URL or a base address used for some operation.
  • -s ${filename}.md: This is another flag or option. The -s option expects ${filename}.md as its argument. ${filename} is a variable, and it should be replaced with the actual name of a file. The .md extension suggests that the file might be a Markdown file.

So, when you run this command with the appropriate values for ${base_url} and ${filename}, it will execute the cotton program with the provided options and arguments. The purpose, functionality, and specific behavior of the cotton program are not clear without more context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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