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cotton: Use a specific base URL.
$ cotton -u ${base_url} ${filename}.md
try on your machine

The command cotton -u ${base_url} ${filename}.md is likely a command-line instruction that involves a tool or program called "cotton." Without knowing more context about the specific tool or program, a complete explanation can't be provided.

However, based on the available information, here is a breakdown of the command:

  • cotton is the name of the tool or program being executed.
  • -u is likely an option or flag for the cotton tool, which indicates that a URL (likely specified using the ${base_url} variable) should be used.
  • ${base_url} is a variable, which should be replaced with the actual base URL you want to use. For example, if ${base_url} is, then it would be substituted with that in the command.
  • ${filename}.md is another variable, which should be replaced with the actual name you want to use for the file. The .md extension suggests that it is a Markdown file. For example, if ${filename} is myfile, then it would be substituted with in the command.

To summarize, the command uses the cotton tool with the -u option and provides a base URL and a filename to work with.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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