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couchdb: Start CouchDB interactive shell.
$ couchdb -i
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The "couchdb -i" command is used to start the CouchDB server in an interactive mode.

When running the "couchdb" command by itself, it starts the CouchDB server in the background as a daemon. This means the server will run continuously in the background and not provide any direct output to the terminal.

However, if you add the "-i" option to the command, like "couchdb -i", it will start the server in an interactive mode. This means that the server will run in the foreground, and its output will be displayed directly in the terminal. It allows you to see the logs, status messages, and other information about the server in real-time.

Running CouchDB in interactive mode can be useful for debugging or troubleshooting purposes, as it provides immediate feedback and makes it easier to identify any issues or errors that may arise.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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