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cowsay: Print a dead thinking ASCII cow.
$ cowthink -d "${I'm just a cow, not a great thinker---}"
try on your machine

The command "cowthink" is a program that displays ASCII art of a cow along with a speech bubble containing a message. The "-d" flag is used to specify the message that will be displayed inside the cow's speech bubble.

In this specific command, the message specified is "${I'm just a cow, not a great thinker---}". The message is enclosed within double quotes to ensure that it is treated as a single argument by the command.

So when you execute this command, it will display the ASCII art of a cow saying "I'm just a cow, not a great thinker---". The "${...}" is typically used to denote variables in other contexts, but in this case, it is treated as a literal part of the message.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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