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cpio: P[i]ck all files from an archive, generating [d]irectories where needed, in [v]erbose mode.
$ cpio -idv < ${archive-cpio}
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This command is using the cpio utility to extract files from an archive file in cpio format. Here is a breakdown of the components:

  • cpio: This is the command-line utility for creating and manipulating cpio archives.
  • -idv: These are options or flags for the cpio command:
    • -i: This option specifies that we want to extract files from the archive.
    • -d: This option creates directories as needed when extracting files.
    • -v: This option enables verbose output, which displays detailed information about the files being extracted.
  • < ${archive-cpio}: This input direction (<) tells the command to take the contents of the file specified by ${archive-cpio} as input. ${archive-cpio} is the variable representing the filename of the cpio archive.

Overall, this command extracts the files from the cpio archive specified by the ${archive-cpio} variable, creates directories if necessary, and provides detailed output about the extraction process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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