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cpio: Copy all files and directories in a directory and add them [o]nto an archive, in [v]erbose mode.
$ find ${path-to-directory} | cpio -ov > ${archive-cpio}
try on your machine

This command is primarily used in UNIX-like operating systems and is used to create a cpio archive file of a directory.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  1. find ${path-to-directory}: This part uses the find command to locate all files and directories within the specified ${path-to-directory}. It recursively lists all the contents present within the directory. ${path-to-directory} should be replaced with the actual path to the directory.

  2. |: This symbol is a pipe operator that connects the output of the previous command (find) as input to the next command (cpio).

  3. cpio -ov: This command creates a cpio archive. The -o flag stands for "create" mode, and the -v flag stands for "verbose" mode. It means that the cpio command will create an archive in verbose mode, meaning it will display information about the files being archived.

  4. >: This symbol is a redirection operator that sends the output of the command to the file specified next.

  5. ${archive-cpio}: This should be replaced with the desired name and path of the cpio archive file that will be created. The > operator will redirect the cpio output to this specified file.

In summary, this command finds all the files and directories within the given ${path-to-directory}, creates a cpio archive of them, and saves the archive to the specified ${archive-cpio} file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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