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cppcheck: Check a given file, specifying which tests to perform (by default only errors are shown).
$ cppcheck --enable=${select} ${filename-cpp}
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This command is using the cppcheck tool to analyze a C++ code file with certain options.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

cppcheck - the name of the command/utility/tool (cppcheck) used for static code analysis.

--enable=${select} - this option is used to enable specific checks or categories of checks for cppcheck. ${select} is a placeholder indicating that the actual value to enable should be provided when executing the command. For example, you can replace ${select} with warning to enable the warning checks.

${filename-cpp} - this is another placeholder indicating that the actual C++ file name should be provided when executing the command. For example, you can replace ${filename-cpp} with test.cpp to analyze the "test.cpp" file.

In summary, this command runs the cppcheck tool and enables certain checks specified by ${select} on the C++ code file specified by ${filename-cpp}. The actual values for ${select} and ${filename-cpp} need to be provided while executing the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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