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create_ap: Use a WPA + WPA2 passphrase.
$ create_ap ${wlan0} ${eth0} ${access_point_ssid} ${passphrase}
try on your machine

This command is used to create a software access point on a Linux system using the create_ap utility.

Here is the breakdown of the command and its arguments:

  • create_ap: This is the name of the utility used to create the access point.
  • ${wlan0}: This is the name of the wireless network interface card (NIC) that will be used to create the access point. It could be something like wlan0, wlp3s0, or any other name assigned to the wireless NIC.
  • ${eth0}: This is the name of the Ethernet interface card connected to the internet network that will provide internet connectivity to the access point clients. It could be something like eth0, enp0s25, or any other name assigned to the Ethernet NIC.
  • ${access_point_ssid}: This is the name or SSID (Service Set Identifier) of the access point that will be created. It is the name that will be displayed when clients search for available Wi-Fi networks.
  • ${passphrase}: This is the passphrase or password required to connect to the access point. Clients will need to enter this password in order to authenticate and connect to the access point.

When executed, this command will create a software access point using the specified wireless NIC, provide internet connectivity through the specified Ethernet NIC, and use the given SSID and passphrase for the access point.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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