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crontab: Sample crontab entry, which runs a command every 10 minutes.
$ */10 * * * * ${command_to_execute}
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The command "/10 * ${command_to_execute}" is a cron job command that schedules a task or command to be executed automatically at regular intervals.

Breaking down the command:

  • The string "*/10" in the first field represents the minutes. It means the command will be executed every 10 minutes.

  • The next five fields (*) indicate that the command will run every hour, every day of the month, every month, and every day of the week. Essentially, it specifies no restriction on these time parameters.

  • "${command_to_execute}" refers to a placeholder variable that should be replaced with the actual command that needs to be executed.

When this command is set up as a cron job, the specified command (represented by ${command_to_execute}) will be automatically executed every 10 minutes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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