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crystal: Display all help options.
$ crystal help
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The command "crystal help" is used in the Crystal programming language. When executed in the command line, this command displays the available commands and provides general help information for the Crystal compiler.

The "help" command is a common feature in many command-line interfaces, including Crystal, and is designed to provide guidance and assistance to users. In Crystal, using "crystal help" specifically displays the list of commands that can be executed along with a brief description for each command.

This command is useful for developers who want to explore and understand the functionalities and options available in the Crystal compiler. By executing "crystal help," they can quickly access the documentation of the available commands and learn how to use them effectively to compile and run Crystal programs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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