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cs-java: Revert the changes for the default JVM settings.
$ eval "$(cs java --disable)"
try on your machine

The command eval "$(cs java --disable)" has the following components:

  • cs java --disable: This is a command used to disable a Java language tool called Checkstyle (often abbreviated as cs). Checkstyle is a code analysis tool that helps ensure consistent coding style and adherence to coding conventions.

  • "$(cs java --disable)": The $(...) syntax is called command substitution in bash. In this case, it means that the output of the cs java --disable command will be substituted back into the overall command.

  • eval: eval is a bash built-in command that evaluates and executes the given argument as a shell command. It is used here to execute the command substitution mentioned above.

Overall, this command disables the Checkstyle tool for the Java programming language and allows the changes to take effect by evaluating and executing the returned command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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