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csplit: Split a file at a line matching a regular expression.
$ csplit ${filename} /${regular_expression}/
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The command csplit is a utility available in the Unix/Linux operating systems. It is used to split a file into sections based on specified patterns or regular expressions.

Here's how the command csplit ${filename} /${regular_expression}/ works:

  1. ${filename} represents the name of the file you want to split. You need to replace ${filename} with the actual file name or provide the path to the file if it is in a different directory.

  2. / is used to enclose the regular expression that specifies the pattern at which the file should be split. You need to replace ${regular_expression} with the actual regular expression that matches the desired pattern.

When you run this command, the csplit utility will search for the specified regular expression pattern in the file. Once it finds a match, it will split the file into multiple sections, creating separate output files for each section. The output file names will start with xx followed by a numerical index.

For example, if you have a file named example.txt that contains the text "Hello World" and you want to split it at the word "World", you can run the command:

csplit example.txt /World/

This will create two output files: xx00 and xx01. The first output file (xx00) will contain the portion of the file before the match ("Hello "), and the second output file (xx01) will contain the portion after the match ("World").

Note: The csplit command has various options and flags to control its behavior, such as specifying the output file prefix, controlling the number of sections, or suppressing empty output files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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