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csv-diff: Display a summary of differences between files in JSON format using a specific column as a unique identifier.
$ csv-diff ${filename1-csv} ${filename2-csv} --key=${column_name} --json
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The "csv-diff" command you provided is used to compare two CSV files and find the differences between them based on a specified key column. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. "csv-diff": This is the name of the command-line tool or script you are using. It performs the CSV file comparison and outputs the differences.

  2. "${filename1-csv}": This represents the first CSV file you want to compare. The "${}" syntax is often used to refer to variables in various programming languages. So, the actual file name or path should be substituted in place of "${filename1-csv}".

  3. "${filename2-csv}": This refers to the second CSV file you want to compare against the first one. Similarly, you need to replace "${filename2-csv}" with the actual file name or path.

  4. "--key=${column_name}": This argument specifies the key column to be used for comparison. The "${column_name}" denotes a particular column in the CSV files that plays a significant role in identifying and matching records during the comparison. Replace "${column_name}" with the name of the column you want to use as the key.

  5. "--json": This option instructs the command-line tool to output the differences in JSON format. JSON is a popular data interchange format that is readable by machines and humans alike.

In summary, the command takes two CSV files, compares them based on a specified key column, and outputs the differences in JSON format.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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