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List of commands for csvstat:

  • csvstat:tldr:28630 csvstat: Show all stats for all columns.
    $ csvstat ${data-csv}
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  • csvstat:tldr:5054d csvstat: Show sums for all columns.
    $ csvstat --sum ${data-csv}
    try on your machine
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  • csvstat:tldr:a0f7d csvstat: Show all stats for columns 2 and 4.
    $ csvstat -c ${2,4} ${data-csv}
    try on your machine
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  • csvstat:tldr:d96cf csvstat: Show the max value length for column 3.
    $ csvstat -c ${3} --len ${data-csv}
    try on your machine
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  • csvstat:tldr:fc8c1 csvstat: Show the number of unique values in the "name" column.
    $ csvstat -c ${name} --unique ${data-csv}
    try on your machine
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