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ctags: Generate tags for a single file, and output them with start line number and end line number in JSON format.
$ ctags --fields=+ne --output-format=json ${filename}
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The command "ctags --fields=+ne --output-format=json ${filename}" is used to generate a JSON file containing the tags (symbols) found in the specified ${filename}.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "ctags" is the name of the command-line program used to generate tags for source code.
  • "--fields=+ne" is an option that specifies the fields to include in the tags. "+ne" means to include the 'name' and 'kind' fields.
    • 'name' represents the name of the tag (e.g., variable name, function name).
    • 'kind' represents the type of tag (e.g., variable, function).
  • "--output-format=json" is another option that specifies the output format of the tags. In this case, it is set to JSON format.
  • ${filename} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the name of the file for which you want to generate tags. This could be a source code file (e.g., a Java file, C file).

When you run this command, ctags processes the specified ${filename} and extracts all the tags with the specified fields. It then formats the results as a JSON file, which you can use for various purposes such as code navigation or integration into other tools.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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