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ctest: Show a list of available tests.
$ ctest -N
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The command "ctest -N" is typically used in CMake, a popular cross-platform build tool, for running tests on a project.

Here is a breakdown of the components in the command:

  • "ctest": This is the command-line tool provided by CMake for running tests. It is used to manage and execute the tests defined in a CMake project.

  • "-N": This is an option passed to ctest. In this particular case, "-N" stands for "test output only". By providing this option, ctest will display a list of available tests without actually executing them. It will show the test names, the relevant properties, and some additional information related to each test.

Overall, running the command "ctest -N" helps to retrieve information about the available tests in a CMake project, without executing them. This can be helpful for inspecting the test suite, understanding the test structure, or verifying the presence of specific tests.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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