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cups-config: Show where CUPS is currently installed.
$ cups-config --serverbin
try on your machine

The command "cups-config --serverbin" is used to retrieve the path of the CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System) server binary.

CUPS is a printing system commonly used on UNIX-like operating systems. It provides a server component that handles printing jobs, manages printer queues, and communicates with printers.

When you run the "cups-config --serverbin" command, it returns the path to the CUPS server binary file. This binary file is the executable that runs the CUPS server and performs all the necessary functions related to printing.

By knowing the path to the CUPS server binary, you can use it in other commands or scripts to interact with the CUPS server, perform administrative tasks, or troubleshoot printing-related issues.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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