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curl: View documentation for the original `curl` command.
$ tldr curl -p common
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The command tldr curl -p common runs the tldr command with the argument curl -p common.

tldr is a tool that provides simplified and concise explanations for commonly used commands. It stands for "Too Long, Didn't Read" and is designed to quickly help users understand how to use a specific command.

In this case, the tldr command is used with the argument curl -p common. curl is a command-line tool used to make HTTP requests, commonly used for retrieving or sending data to a server. The -p option in curl is a shorthand for --proxytunnel, which allows the use of a proxy server to establish an HTTP tunnel. The common argument refers to the "common" usage of curl with the -p option, meaning it provides a summary of the commonly used features and options related to setting up an HTTP tunnel through a proxy server using curl.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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